The future of web development

Qaraton | The future of web development
Qaraton | The future of web development

1. PWAs & Single-page application

When responsive web design first came onto the scene in 2012, it was a game-changer for the internet. Progressive Web Apps reduced page load times by 300%, offered trailblazing mobile UX, and promised to upgrade the internet’s facade. First introduced in 2015, and now PWAs are being put to good use. A PWA is a web application that uses modern web technology to provide users with a native app-like experience. Some of the outstanding features that make PWAs so popular are: 

  • Offline use
  • Add to home screen
  • Push notifications
  • Background sync
  • GPS tracking
  • Audio and video playback
  • Customizable themes and layouts|

    It can be said that PWAs in the future are becoming increasingly popular for many reasons. They offer improved performance, offline capabilities, and increased engagement, which are essential factors in today’s digital landscape. In addition, PWAs are also more responsive and mobile-friendly, making them ideal for users who are constantly on the go. In addition, Progressive Web Apps have competitive advantages, including relatively low development costs, usability without reliance on application distribution services such as the Appstore or Play Store, as well as other features. Quick installation and automatic updates. Therefore, the future of PWAs in web development is highly potent. To name the big guys who are using PWAs, we have Spotify, Starbucks, Twitter, and Pinterest. Besides, Forbes and luxury beauty brands like Lancôme also choose PWAs as a solution to bring traffic and sales.
Qaraton | The future of web development

One of the main use cases for PWA is to build a Single-page application. A single-page application can be defined as a web application that loads a single HTML page and all the necessary assets required for the application to run. Once the page is loaded, the application can react to user interactions without reloading the page. This provides a more responsive and fluid experience for the user. The first single-page application was Wikipedia, released in 2001, it revolutionized the way we access information on the internet and paved the way for modern web applications.

Today, we use countless single-page apps every day, from social media apps like Facebook or Gmail personal mail to weather apps. Single-page apps have become extremely popular due to their many benefits. These benefits include a more responsive user interface, faster page load times, and a more streamlined user experience. Moreover, SEO optimization, less complex implementation, and more effectiveness in holding users’ attention are also benefits that Single-page included. We can expect SPAs will be the most functional website shortly with the proof that Netflix, Paypal, and Google maps are successful examples.

2. API- first development

Qaraton | The future of web development

APIs play a more natural and efficient experience facilitating role in these connections and have been around for nearly two decades. However, in the past, developers would prioritize product development first and the need for a connection with different systems came as an afterthought.

API-first development helps integrate systems by allowing for communication and data exchange between different software applications.  An API-first approach will improve the chances of success by creating well-documented, consistent, accessible, and reusable APIs.
This method allows developers to work together more efficiently, saving time and money. With relevant benefits, API-first development can make it easier for web developers. Providing well-documented and consistent APIs can reduce the learning curve for new developers. Additionally, reliable and consistent APIs can minimize the risk of system failures.

Netflix’s early adoption of API-first development is further proof of its effectiveness. But we can still expect to see more systems adopt API-first soon. 

3. Web 3.0

Qaraton | The future of web development

The question that first comes to mind when thinking about the new internet iteration is its definition. In short, web3.0 is a new generation of internet services. The third generation of the internet will be powered by decentralization. Instead of large companies or governments controlling the internet, it will be controlled by a decentralized network of computers. The significant benefits that can be clearly seen in web 3.0 are Exceptionally safe, Anti-Monopoly and Pro-Privacy, Ownership of Data, and Interoperability. Here are some promising features of a Web3.0 include:

  • Decentralization: DApps(decentralized apps) and DeFi (decentralized finance). These elements offer users more freedom and control than traditional centralized apps and financial institutions.
  • No permission to use: This allows users to have more control over their data and privacy. Open-source systems are more secure and produce better results.
  • Tokens can act as an incentive for developers to get involved in a project. This can mean more people working on the project, resulting in better features and improved quality.
  • User incentive: To create higher quality content for better token earnings
  • More community involvement in decision making: Giving those with a vision for the future a louder voice and allowing token holders to vote on decisions

It is clear to see that Web 3.0 is the next stage of the internet, where the web is more connected and user-centric. Blockchain is a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions. Together, these technologies have the potential to change the way we develop the web. With Web 3.0, we can create a more connected, transparent, and secure internet that is better for users and developers alike. There is a hypothesis that web 3.0 might reshape the way of web development we used to know. Is this true in your opinion? 

Reactron is proud to be a company with extensive experience in web development and has created numerous web applications for clients in a variety of industries. Reactron’s team of developers who have outstanding skills and knowledge to create high-quality web applications that meet the specific needs of each client. If you’re still looking for a partner for web development, congratulations, you’ve got us here to help. Contact us! and keep in touch for more blogs. See you next time. 

References: Hubspot. 2022. 11 Web Development Trends to Expect in 2022, According to Experts & Data.
Accessed on May, 2022
Vatsyayan K. 2022. Web 3.0: Understanding The Future Of Web Development. Accessed on May, 2022
101 blockchains. 2021. The role of Blockchain in web 3.0. Accessed on May, 2022

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